Friday, June 12, 2009


the philosopher paul churchland at the 2006 beyond belief conference gave a speech where he said these words and i want to type them here so i won't forget them because i thought it was bang on.. OKAY !!!? so here it is....ready?

he said...

where does morality come from? it comes from looooooooooooong experience, just as where science comes from. and the process is slooooooooooooow. and the hope that you can settle something quickly by finding a touchstone which can serve you forever is something which has infected badly most of the world's major religions and even philosophers of moral science. now if this is true then dogma is the basic problem here, because if you think you already have the absolute truth, whether scientific or moral, then you have a can no longer learn.

and now for the man himself...ladies and gentlemen i give you...
paul churchland

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