Saturday, July 1, 2006

it's a pimple and dimple today

i turned on the tube
and what did i see
i guy with a pimple and then
a pimple a dimple all lined up in three
i turned off the telly again

i went to my room
to muse what i saw
and bemuse and confuse such a sight
why was it so, for me to then draw
this affront, cause it just isn't right

but i picked up a pen
and i tried to depict
what had recently flooded my eyes
the torturous sight was a dubious trick
to play on formitive mind

i continued to make
a creation to fill
a repulsive particular need
and while i can't say i redundantly will
to forgive this reaction to be

to be or to die
is a poser you know
and it's one that we all have to weigh
whether drawing or walking away from the show
it's a pimple and dimple today

so make it create it
and let it come out
in a way that is wholly your own
and use what is there to eradicate doubt
after all this whole place is our home

1 comment:

  1. Cheek dimples are truly delightful. The most ideal approach to make dimples in somebody who does not have them is by a short, surgical technique that could be performed in the workplace under a nearby sedative

    Smita sharma
